Sunday, March 03, 2013

Yesterday early, I decided to again cross that river. But I drove instead and thought it would be ok since it was early. I was wrong. Chk point at the entrance. So I went under the bridge, not knowing that another was down below also. But it wasnt stopping people like the bridge above, so I blew thru it. I drove a few blocks away and was their. Too early. Ok Ill go spend time downtown. Needed to buy a waterhose so I killed about a hour. Coming back, I drove right up to the point. The goods guy where their. So I got out to ask. A guy in a pink shirt, young, typical cholo look but matured said nothing yet but soon. So I asked if it was ok to park here and he said yeah. Turning on the radio, I waited. Suddenly, minutes later, I notice the guys running in panic. I quickly turn on my car, not knowing what to expect. I left quickly, but not quick enough to not see thru the rearview mirror that it was the fed police. I turn left and again left. Then got on a wide street and just drove. To my horror, the fed truck that I saw was behind me. He put on his torrent lights and I heard them say pull over. So I did, and quickly turn off my car and as the young officer in his full fatigue outfit and machine gun at the ready got to my door. As he ask me to let them chk my car, I was already out the door, and opening the truck. He just look and saw I had nothing. Surely he notice the brandnew water hose on the passenger st. He ask if I lived their, where they had seen me pulling away. I told them no. I was their looking for a nephew who had not come home. "He drugs himself." Another one of them asks, and I said yes. Since they didnt find anything, and I gave them a credible story, they told me to go on my way, and took off. I got back in the car. And said to myself, Damm that was close. Mad that I didnt just get what I wanted and also that I was stopped.Glad that I wasnt searched or said anything about the car not having plates. They where too focus I guess now that am thinking about it on getting the guys with the goods. Drugs, money,ammo etc. So I wasnt nothing to them, plus I gave them a good story for being out of place. Another pluse for looking old. What to do now? Go back and see if the goods guys come back. But I parked a way aways. Near a park where people where helping out to paint it. Curb painting, benches etc. Nice commuity effort for a Sat moring. Lots of people. Perfect place to park the car. So I went again walking slowly scopeing. Didnt see police or anything. Did a few trys and then they where their,the goods guys. They where waiting still. I asked if anything will come?Sure, just wait a sec. And soon it got their. And time was taken without effort. Just half hour before running, panic. Searches. Because some had been caught and been beaten but butts of rifles and slapped around. Cell phones taken. But they where let go since they had no drugs or guns.
And now just 30 mins later, a line of guys like me. 2 guys sorting out the pot in baggies. Counting them out. Few at a time. Like nothing happen at all. It was bussiness as usual. I got my stuff and left. Even got 10 off for the scare. Ill have to give it back and then some to get their trust. But I had mention to them, that I got stopped and searched but left alone basicly. Since am new to that spot, it was a way of building trust. I as a consumer and they as goods guys. The only drawback in noramlecy was the feds and their machines.

Friday, March 01, 2013

Got a call early like 11. I saw I had none, so Idecided to go forth and get some. Needed cash so I waited till I got some. Promising to get back in half a hour, I took off on my bike. I wont go across that river with a car. But I still have to go the same way. And I was lucky that the check point today was manned by army units and not marines. Just in case somebody might notice me coming and going. I try to take other routes and not go so directly.  I got their by following someone who I suspected was on their way. I didnt want to get their alone but I should have gotton their 1st. I got the last bag, and was told  to come back in 15 mins. I needed one more so I went bikeing toward the center of town. Just a few blocks away. You cross over blvds and suddenly its very diffrent. Commercial and Hotels and plazas and the busy busy of your average city in the west. What I had just left was just homes and modest streets. Small little non streets. Working class. Near the river close to the bull fights. I went to kill 15 mins by going toward more people. I had a bag, but I didnt worry much. I came up a street the wrong way slowly. Not too many cars but enough. And suddenly a tank. A blue federal police tank parked off the corner. It look like a check point, and I saw personal around, but they where not stopping anyone. The next corner the same. They where up the street from the mayors offices. So it was no suprise for them to be their. I just drove slowly by in no hurry. I got to the plaza and look at the watch tower. I took out the bag I had and knew I could make it 2. But I wanted another one since I was here already. I put it away quickly and without attracting attention so I hoped. I didnt have to much time. So I left again. Avoiding the feds, and went up again to that other part of town. I got their hoping and saw a small crowd waiting. Nothing. Had to wait. A mixture of young boys and men.Some real young. Some young men in their 20s 30s. Working guys mostly on foot and bikes. A few started stopping in cars. Their was maybe 15 guys. The goods guys would tell the newcomers to go around the corner and not be too obvious. But we looked all like we where waiting for a concert to begin.Too many in that place. But I had to wait. Till I got desperate about the time and left. It was good that no check point wasnt place on both ends of the bridge. I cross the river with 1 bag at least and pedel on as fast as my over weight body would take me. When I got their I took a tiny bit out, since I didnt get none. He didnt mind. And I got my obligations done a little bit late, but not to much.
Its like having to run a maize. The drug war makes us all mouses.
700 soldiers arrived in Gomez last night. More men more equipment to patrol the streets of this side of the river. Yesterday I should have gone to the dentist at ISSISTE, a worker funded hospital systum. But the dentist chair cleaning systum was on the blink. No light blub since October. So when you get worked on,the dentist has the use the cieling light to see.The drill was also on the blink.No money for parts yet. Yet on the tv screen, airplanes flying in, troops filling trucks with strom troopers like moves. No money for a dentist chair up keep but millions spent on attacking drug gangs. Yet also yesterday close to my work place, I heard that someone had their car jacked just a couple of blocks away. Armed gun men. Was a time not to long ago that kind of crime had been un heard of. Lately small late model cars have been used in shootings and attacks. 2 days ago the siglo de torreon newspaper office was shot up in the middle of the day.
They had just celebrated 90 years of exsitence as a daily newspaper. Nice birthday present.
So all these new soldiers are on the streets. I see them driving up and down main streets. Their was two of them with their green fatigues and machine guns hung on their sholders while they bought cups of sliced fruits from a street vender. Their is money for all that protection. But not for a light blub for a dentist chair at a workers hospital.