Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Again the war on drugs makes its apearence. Its everywhere in the presence of military and federal police. Because thats all thats left on this side of the river between here and torreon. I bike a lot when I can, and since I had to go to Torreon to take some xrays, I decided to bike there. I had the time, and I knew that their would probally be a cheak point on the river between the cities. And whoala, their it was. A old two lane steel bridge made in the 30s was packed with traffic. So I narrowly missed people while going steady through a marine chk point. Both incoming lanes blocked. Marines in full gear, stoping traffic. Sending them either on their way, or stopping for a full inspection.
Since I was on a bike, I was oblivious to them. However I could see 3 marines looking through a working mans car trunk. Paint cans,tools etc. The t-shirted driver, looking anxious to go on to work, but having to wait for military men to go thru your things. I got where I had to go pretty fast and saw I had enough for some pot. I went to the usual places. Forgoten places. Where the working poor and the retired live. Old neighborhoods where torreon was made. Now vacant lot and slaughter house factories. Where the crevices of the nearby hills in the warrens where people lived, some sold drugs.
Yet their was none. The guys who where where out of pot. I asked them, since I saw their where guys Ive seen lots before so I could comfertabley ask them about a new place I knew of.
Was it theirs? "Yeah they said. And if they ask where you come from, just say here."So I went and almost didnt find them. But then I saw a guy with a bunch of cash sitting outside with a phone. I came up to him and said got any pot? The bags over their he pointed and he did ask where I came from. I answered the password, and approached the guy with the goods. I was still on my bike and was told by the goods guy to go bikeless. Obeying and not wanting to test anything, I willing forked over for a nice baggie. I ask till how late, and he said till 1 am. I left noticeing everything around so I wouldnt forget next time. Funny how all that happen just 10 blocks away from the marines check point.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Now their are no more cops in lerdo at all. The war on drugs takes all kind of victums. Somehow they where all link to bad elements. Now poof, no more authority on the streets.  As i went to the dentist yesterday, I biked ride since it was close. Yet the normal streets that I sometimes use to avoid heavier traffic have been blocked by those who live on them. Its a nice part of lerdo in the houses and cars that are their. Big middle class money homes and cars. Yet the streets belong to all. But they blocked them off with the excuse that it keeps the thieves away. But it also stops your average citizen from taking a shorter route home. They blocked streets that everyone payed for. The lights, drange etc. Yet now by using so much mayhem and that the cops are gone, to convert private what was once public.
The war on drugs takes so much away from normality.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

As i drove to take someone to the bus, we drove up to a intersection. That area is notorious for transit police who are always hovering around catching speeders and more often those with no plates. I slowed down to a stop and i notice a transit cop laying on the street by his bike. The bike was parked right. He apeared to be asleep yet had one leg up akwardly. His dark face with full mustache was young. He was maybe in his early 30s. I drove away thinking he had a heart attack or some such thing. Close by another transit police was arriving. His look as suprised at the scence as all the on lookers. He slowed down as i drove on. A ambulance passed by as i drove on. Ill chk the internet as soon as i get home. When i did i discoverd that 4 transit cops had been gunned down. 3 in Gomez palacio and 1 in lerdo. But the lerdo direction wasnt the one i saw. Yet later the news did mention the one i saw. Its not a uncommon thing to see the victums of the drug wars as so much trafic accidents with onlookers, curious to know.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today while I drove in Torreon, a federal police truck was at a light. The driver was uniformed young, and while at the wheel was smoking a cigg. His job is to fight illegal drugs, yet in his mouth the very legal drug he uses kills millions. Ironic no?

Monday, February 18, 2013

               M E X I C O  L I B R E  M E X I C O   L I B R E  M E X I C O  L I B R E 

Pot is harmless according to US gov studies. So why is it illegal? Racists who hated Mexicans in the old Southwest 1st made pot illegal. Why keep old 19 century racist laws in the 21 century?
The war rages on. Today in torreon and gomez palacio, 2 diffrent cities bordering each other, 3 fires all at wood selling stores. All the same owner.Coencidence? No likely. The war on drugs rages on thru other faces.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Feb 17 2013

Its been  years. But here it goes. 2013 Feb. The war on drugs rages on. Yet pot has become state legal in some places in the US. In Mexico the violence has become everyday. Fighting to control all the money made from innoncent plants.