Tuesday, February 08, 2005

why mariguana is ilegal. and how it started to be illegal as and act of discrimination.

Soon after 1841, when the usa ripped away 1/2 of mexicos territory, these aquisitions that had been got to by war; that where filled with both native inhabitants and mexicans, where found by the citizen conquerers, as a unwanted element and thus percipitated the laws that the new white settlers needed too impose on these conquered territories and people.
In the state of Utah, axproximatley 20 years after the wars end, the morman population that was settling the utah territorys found that where the choices places that they found in these new lands, had mexicans about. So the white mormans in order to restrict the movement of these undesirable brown skin people who where seen as a lesser than themselves, white manifist destiny kind of people, found am excellent excuse to bar and imprison mexicans. They found that the mexicans that inhabited the areas mentioned, used mariguana as not only a medicinal product but, more importanly a recreational way; a way that was not know by the white settlers in their habits, so for them, the evil weed made mexicans crazy, and dangurous, thus giving them and excuse too imprision, bar, and evict mexicans.

The frist anti-mariguana laws where born, not based on any scientific fact, of harming heatlh, or of causing any kind of fact based effects; but where born as anti-mexican.

The inrony of all of this, is that today, the mexican goverment, follows to the letter, a law, made by conquering white men, a law, that started as a anti-mexican law.

We in Mexico Libre believe that this is wrong.
We in Mexico Libre believe that this is going too change.

If you too believe in a Mexico Libre, write us.
We are going too regesiter millions of pro-mariguana mexicans who feel that too inforce a law that was born from hate against mexicans, in mexico is criminal, and must be changed, by any means possible, including a get out too vote for a mexico libre in 2006.

We invite you too post your thoughts, and leave us your email.

¡Que Viva Un Mexico Libre!

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